Tanzania Tribal Tours


Tanzania is a blend of over 120 tribes, each with its own culture and language. The country has done a wonderful job of being able to have such diversity co-exist and feel unified into one country while keeping its cultural heritage intact. Of course some tribes have assimilated into mainstream culture more than others. On this website we will focus on the most popular tribal tours but it is not by all means the only options available. contact us if you do not find what you are looking for and we can make arrangements when possible.

All Lava Peaks tribal tours offer a genuine experience into the actual lives of the tribes. We do this in the most respectful and non-invasive way possible. During these visits, you will be free to ask questions (we will have a translator for you), take photos and at times participate in their activities.

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Massai Tribal

This is the most distinctive and popular tribes to visit. The Maasai are known as fierce warriors but are friendly and open to visitors. They are semi-nomadic cattle and goat herders living in northern Tanzania and southern Kenya. They practice a communal land management system which utilizes resources in a sustainable manner. Because of their lifestyle, their population is hard to pinpoint but is thought to close to one million. Until recently, the concept of private land ownership was as foreign as ownership of the air. Their traditional religious beliefs placed all cattle to be under the care of the Maasai. Indeed, without any sense of wrong doing, the Maasai used to collect any and all cattle to fulfill their obligation to care for them. Traditionally living entirely off of an animal based diet (meat, milk and blood) they mange their animals very carefully and wisely, migrating to the best grazing areas at the time. They live in Kralls arranged in a circular manner with acacia thorn barriers protecting their livestock from lions. Their inkajijik (Maasai word for a house) are loaf-shaped and made of mud, sticks, grass, cow dung and cow's urine. These are constructed in a few weeks time by the women. Women are responsible for making the houses as well as supplying water, collecting firewood, milking cattle and cooking for the family. Warriors are in charge security while boys are responsible for herding livestock. During the drought season, both warriors and boys assume the responsibility for herding livestock. The elders are directors and advisors for day-to-day activities. Every morning before livestock leave to graze, an elder who is the head of the inkang sits on his chair and announces the schedule for everyone to follow.

During a visit to the Maasai, you will be treated to being entertained by their song and dance (you are welcome to join in) and see the amazing leaping abilities that the Maasai are famous for. You can enter into an inkajijik and buy the distinctive hand made decorations and jewelery direct from the source. Contact Lava Peaks Adventures to add this trip into your safari itinerary or as a day trip from Moshi or Arusha.


Hadzabe Tribal

The Hadzabe are an amazing tribe clinging on to a vanishing lifestyle. One of the last true hunter-gatherers left in the world, this tribe lives a very simple opportunistic lifestyle. They are master hunters using bow and arrow (poison tipped for larger gamed) and have great knowledge of plants for food and medicine. Much of their diet consists of roots and berries but will hunt anything from mice to giraffe. They live in shelters that are so temporary, that when killing large game, they will often relocate to the kill site rather than try to drag the game to their dwellings. Their clothing is also opportunistic, wearing donated clothing, animal skins or nothing at all. The Hadzabe reside near Lake Eyasi, not far from Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Unfortunately, encroaching civilization has effected negatively the amount of wild game in the area and this lifestyle will be hard to sustain. Government attempts to build free housing and schools for the tribe have failed in the past and the government is again attempting to convert the lifestyle of the Hadzabe, but the tribe truly loves their lifestyle. The tribe is extremely friendly and willing to allow visitors along for a hunt, dig for roots and to join in on song and dance. Check your ability to create fire from sticks and tinder. You will be escorted by an interpretor so you can have questions answered about this tribe. This trip can be added to a safari itinerary easily.


Chagga Tribal

The Chagga reside on the area around Mt Kilimanjaro. They are the most numerous tribe in Moshi town and many have assimilated into modern society well. In the rural areas though, their traditional lifestyle is still in place. You will visit a small holdings banana and coffee farm, learning about coffee from planting to the final roasted product. You will also visit one of the beautiful waterfalls on the lower elevations of Mt Kilimanjaro and enjoy a Chagga meal (maybe even some locally brewed banana beer). On the right day of the week, you can visit a local market and take in the colorful sights and sounds. This itinerary is an easy day trip from Moshi or Arusha.